



Ticket Date

Jan 01, 1970
Jan 01, 1970

Event Date

Jun 05, 2016 01:1 pm
Jun 05, 2016 03:1 pm

Age Limit

20 Years

Event Overview

Dating(Social-Gathering/Face-2-Face Meeting)
United States
2147-2149 P St NW

Event Description


Where: Marakech Lounge, Washington DC, 2147 P. Street, NW

When: Sunday, June 5th, at 1:30pm 

                             What is this seminar about?



Presented by a guest panel of professionals including: Dr. Dan Amzallag, Panel Moderator, Dr. Joshua Cohen, Licensed Psychologist, Annie White, Dating Coach, and Dr. Antoinette Lancaster, LPC.

As the nicer weather replaces cold dark days, flowers are blooming and the grass is getting greener; the blossoming of new growth is all around.  New growth in relationships is also triggered this time of the year. The changing seasons tend to bring out peoples’ hope and optimism about meeting someone new and starting a relationship. Our seminars are designed to help you become more comfortable meeting new people, work toward fulfilling your relationship desires, and perhaps even find and maintain a stable relationship. 

“Learning to communicate better with your DATE or MATE” will be the first in a series of offerings in the DMV area that will look at the subject of “Dating in the 21st century.”  The format of the program will be interactive; attendees will be encouraged to ask questions of the panelists throughout the seminar. This event is designed for the public and opens to anyone interested in learning more about creating healthy relationships.  At this fun, interactive activity, you will learn effective communication techniques to either change or improve your ability to connect with people around you.

At our first event on June 5th,,we will tackle topics such as:

@ Thoughtful communication processes with your MATE

Appropriate “Timing” for sharing personal details with your DATE

@ Key elements toopen and honest communication with your MATE; Implementing Chapman’s 5 Love Languages.

@ Using technology to communicate in relationships


PLUS, all attendees will receive:

@ An opportunity to join the raffle

@ Guest panelists contact information affording you the opportunity to continue learning

     from experts in the field (Raffle ticket winners)


@ Free 30 minutes coaching session (Raffle ticket winners) 


@ Other door prizes


Possible Topic Areas


Communication: Thoughtful communication is the key to every healthy relationship:

The impact of open and direct communication:

Say what you think and think about what you say. 

Open and direct communication is helpful when it’s not hurtful.

How to share information that can change and improve a relationship?

Understand what makes the other person feel good/cared for/loved and then do those things (not the things that make you feel good/cared for/loved.

The impact of texting rather than talking

            Remain neutral about the emotion behind a text until you can verify


Self-awareness and other awareness:

If you are with someone who has previously been in a committed, long-term relationship, ask what their previous BF/GF/Spouse complained about?  Finish this sentence: My ex would say “If I told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times ____________________”

There is a good chance that there is some truth in their statement and can be useful for future reference.


The reality of “until death do us part”

            Wake up and go to bed everyday for the next 50 or 60 years with the same person.



Dating in the 21st century: These topics will be covered briefly on June 5th event but in more details for subsequent seminars


@ The ins and out of online dating

@ Keeping the conversation fresh and interesting on Date #1, and closing for Date #2

@ Learning how to accept rejection, as it may be inevitable in some cases

@ Remaining self confident and focusing on becoming a better person 

@ Beware of dating scams

@ Learning to love who you are and accept yourself 

@ Avoidance, secure, anxious, avoidance -anxious and how the differing styles can create distress in a relationship and complicate the dating experience.


Intimacy and Sex: Different but connected: These topics will be covered briefly on June 5th event but in more details for subsequent seminars.


When to approach intimacy?

            Safe to be vulnerable

            Excited to be with him/her

            Xpectations are reasonable


Know in advance how far you want to go
Sexual safety in the years after AIDS killed everyone



                                  IMPORTANT NOTICE:

Local media will attend the event and it will be a part of upcoming televised program.

Cost: $10 dollars if purchased on Eventbrite.

At the door: 20 dollars




2147-2149 P St NW

2147-2149 P St NW

Contact : (301) 325-1550
Email :
City : Washington

Address : 2147-2149 P Street Northwest

2147-2149 P St NW